
welcome to my blog!

My posts are about a variety of subjects and I will mark them on a time line so that you can see how different things are related in history. I hope that you will learn along with me from the blog that I am creating. I hope you like my blog!

I'm currently trying to make it so you can leave comments, however I'm having some trouble with that. Soon I'll have it fixed. I hope.

Photo: Long Beach, WA 2008

BattleStar Galactica Review

At first I hated Battlestar Galactica.
It's extremely dark, and depressing. I didn't like the series at all until about episode 3,4, or 5. It is a TV science fiction series about space but what it really is about is humans under stress. Humanity is nearly destroyed, and the survivors have to make lots of important decisions and fight for their lives. And they do not know that their enemy, the human created Cylons, have infiltrated their ranks.

Not far into the pilot movie the people on a spaceship find out, after forty years of peace, that nuclear bombing has wiped out most of the colonies of their home worlds. In just one city alone there was seven million people. I was distracted that the people on the spaceship did not act like their world had been destroyed, they acted like something smaller happened, like a library had burned down. This could have been made a lot more realistic. It was the same way during other moments in the movie. There were times when the characters responses to situations were completely unbelievable. However I have only watched 6 episodes so far, and it could be different in later episodes

Another thing that disturbed me to the point were I almost quit watching was a repetitive theme, "sacrifice a few to save the group". In the pilot alone the idea was repeated at least four times.

The first time I watched the show I couldn't believe anyone would like it. Once I saw some of the later episodes, however, I understood a lot more about the situation and the characters of BattleStar Galactica. I definitely liked the pilot better the second time.

There is not necessarily a true good or evil in this story. The Cylons are machines made by humans to make life easier, but they rebelled and are trying to wipe out humanity, we do not know why. They have evolved so that they can appear in every way like humans, and also there are some infiltrators that do not at first know that they are Cylons themselves. These activate at the right time and are called Sleepers. I like to consider that the Cylons could think of us as how we think of them, a race who have no feelings, or thoughts.

The end was the best part of the Pilot, were they set out to find our planet, Earth, which they think is just a legend.

It is a deeply complicated show. It made me think about human nature. Although it is a dark series and I prefer comedy, I would give the later episodes four stars out of five.


A Book I recommend reading

Biomes and Ecosystems (Gareth Stevens Vital Science: Earth Science) Biomes and Ecosystems by Barbara J. Davis

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
I couldn't stop reading it, it is an interesting subject. Now when I play Civilization III I will know a lot more about the ecosystems and biomes. One of my favorite animals the book mentions is the jumping mouse. It is 3-4 inches long and it can jump as high as 13 feet!

View all my reviews.


The Thief

(This is a story I wrote and sent in to the Story Makers Program For Young Writers. It did not win....)

Squbb scowled with anger. His uncle uncle had no right to accuse him of that. Why would his uncle accuse him of taking the golden food dish? Squbb clenched his paw and pounded it on the breakfast table. He never would have taken his uncle's favorite dish. He was outraged that he would even consider accusing him of taking it. Why did everybody blame him for things?

Pushing back his chair, he stomped over to the large round mirror that was hanging by the desk. Gazing at himself, he fluffed up his short squirrel hair with his little paws, preened his eagle wings and thoughtfully stroked his lion tail. Squirrffins don't like being accused of things, he thought. He banged his head against the wall and the mirror fell down and shattered. I'm a bad person, he thought. Or am I a good person? No, I am a bad person I just broke a mirror. I have NEVER heard of a good person braking a mirror, only bad people. He picked up the pieces of shattered glass and walked to his other mirror. When he was done preening he walked away.

Looking at the sunrise he decided he'd better hurry up and get to Grandma's house. Not wanting to be late, he half-jumped half-flew to her tree. When he got inside he found her laying in her bed and she looked very sick. He walked over to her and sat down on the edge of the bed. And she told him "Our family is so rich because we have all been thieves since the dawn of time." He stared at her with an open mouth. Then his grandma said, "There is a rumor that across the river in the woods somewhere there is a hiding spot with treasure in it. It belongs to and is guarded by a python. I'm telling you this because we are running out of money." He stomped out of the tree and this time half-stomped, half-flew back to his drey in his tree.

A week later, when he had no more money, he decided to go look for that treasure. He invited two friends on a hike, but didn't tell them why he was going. He did this because he had decided that he was bad. Once they got across the river they saw a wild horse. It is a known fact that griffins HATE horses, so like their ancestors would have, the squirrffins chased it away. Then Squbb searched around for the python hole and found what looked like one. They camped near the hole that night. When he thought his friends were asleep Squbb slipped away and went into the python hole. And he saw lots of sparkling jewels at the end of the tunnel. But there lay the snake in front of him and he couldn't get through.

Shaking all over, he looked at the jewels, then back at the snake. It wasn't moving. He was pretty sure it was asleep. He crept over, flicking his wings with fear. Since he forgot his knife, he bit the snake on the neck. Even with his immense strength it didn't do very much because his squirrel mouth was so small. The python squirmed and flipped Squbb over. Squbb kicked him hard with his powerful large rear lion foot. He ducked as the snake flicked it's tail at his head. He ducked and pushed the snake against the wall, pressing his foot against the snake's head. With the other rear foot he extended his sharp lion claws and swiped at it's neck. He felt his paw hit it's neck, it felt soft and wet as the blood soaked his paw. He panted as the snake flopped onto the ground.

He jumped over the snake and ran to the treasure. He saw a large wooden chest with a gold sword next to it, with jewels spilling onto the floor. He saw a rainbow of colored jewels, and he really liked the pearls, the creamy white pearls. But he liked the gold most of all. He gazed around the room at the treasure. He had just decided to go get his friends to help him with the jewels when he noticed four baby squeezels sitting down with wide eyes. It was a known fact that pythons like to keep sqeezels so they can eat them. Squbb knew that he should just leave them there because they always end up being evil. He should just take the treasure. Grabbing a beautiful white diamond, he climbed out of the hole and woke up his friends.

Waking them up was harder then he had thought it would be. It took him half an hour to wake them up, and then they acted really grumpy. When he told them about what he did, they didn't believe him. Once he showed them the diamond his friends followed him, surprised, back into the hole and gathered up the treasure. He couldn't decide what to do about the squeezels. Squeezels would grow up to be destructive vermin. Should he leave them here? Or take them? Both his friends said he should leave them there. "We aren't bad", said one of them, "if we saved these squeezels then they would grow up to be bad." But why then, he thought, would he be so unhappy to leave them behind? Then he realized that people aren't just good or just bad, everybody has some good side and some bad side. I NEED to leave them behind, he thought. No, I CAN bring them. The question is WILL I?

Squbb never regretted his decision to adopt the squeezels


Banning of the gum

I don't think government should over- regulate people. The Singapore government was wrong to ban chewing gum.
Singapore is famous for being proud of its clean streets and clean public spaces. The problem was people were disposing of their gum by spitting it on public floors and streets and sticking it under tables and on seats. This was causing maintenance problems and costing lots of money to clean up. Also there was vandalism. People were sticking gum on mailboxes and elevator buttons. The rapid transit trains had problems because vandals were sticking gum on the door sensors which made the doors not close properly, which delayed trains and caused lots of expense and trouble. The government decided to ban chewing gum. Now people caught chewing gum receive large fines and in addition repeat offenders have to clean public spaces in bright colored jackets and sometimes are filmed by the media which causes further shame.
It should be the people's choice about whether to chew gum or not, people have the right to do what they want as long as they aren't hurting anybody. Laws are for preventing people from hurting themselves or others. In this case they did not need to make a law about gum chewing. Not everybody spits their gum in the street. It is a personal decision to chew gum, it does not involve other people unless they throw it on the street
I think they should have just put up posters about not spitting their gum everywhere, and given tickets for littering to people who spit out their gum in the street. They should just enforce their littering laws more. Maybe they should increase the penalty for littering. The media could advertise reasons for Singaporeans to get rid of gum correctly, and also why they shouldn't commit vandalism. Educating people might help them to realize what the benefit is of having clean streets.
Singapore should enforce the laws about littering and ruining public property rather than ban gum.

(image) http://www.travelblog.org/Asia/Singapore/blog-291976.html


Assignment: Write A Fantasy Story

The sun rose over the water and Henry tugged off his dark glasses and exclaimed, "I am feeling SO alive today!" He loved watching the sun rise. Heading back towards his log cabin, his brisk walk making the snow crunch, crunch,crunch, crunch, he thought about how he had become a hermit.

He was aghast at what happened to him, for it was so long ago that he had worked as a vet. He'd been a very successful vet but it had begun to bother him that some of the animals were dying. He reached the end of the woods, and then he walked through the little gate and paused and looked at his house, the old log cabin. His cabin was pine wood with a mossy roof with a garden in the back. A front window faced a beautiful view of a waterfall and the sunrise.

As he walked up to the house he thought about the monkey. He desperately wished he'd never taken care of that famous monkey. Everyone had loved Slippo, everyone who loved animals had loved Slippo. Unfortunately, the near-human creature had died while under his care. People were furious. People had blamed Henry. It ruined his business.
No wonder he decided to live alone in the forest.

Time flowed by and he had begun to lose track of it. He remembered Slippo with decreasing clarity. Occaisionally he had these thoughts about what had happened, but he was happy being a hermit.

Around the corner of the house two dogs sprinted towards him. They bared their teeth at him and snarled until he got over to them,then they stopped. "Why do they always do that?", he thought. "They act like they don't know me." As he stretched to hang up his coat, he realized that only two dogs were there. Checking the doghouse that he had built behind the cabin he found a nasty surprise. There lay Rover,dead. Even though Rover was a young dog, it looked like he had died from old age. Henry was confused.

It wasn't a week later, it seemed, that he found that only one dog came when he called. He followed the path out to the doghouse again and Max was there. Scared, he shook the dog. It woke up. It seemed alright and followed him to the food dish. That night a huge storm came and in the morning neither one of the dogs was around. Henry went out once again to the doghouse. He found that only one dog would wake up. Max had died form old age too.

When the wild strawberries were in bloom his last dog passed away. It didn't make sense. He wasn't sure why the dog died, because it was young like the others. Yet it had slowed down and had problems that only old dogs usually have.

He thought about the deaths. This couldn't be a coincidence! What was happening? He was sad for a long time and he began to wonder about his own health. He decided to see a mental health doctor.

Aboard a bus on it's way to the city he bumped into a man in a white suit. "Excuse me" he said.

Astonished, the man in white asked,"Can you see me?"
"What do you mean?" Henry replied.
"So you are dead too, then?" the man asked.
"Uh,no! I'm not dead,"
he shouted,"Help! Help!"
No one on the bus even looked. Then he remembered. He remembered clearly now when the dogs died. They each had lived over 14 years. Henry murmured "So I AM dead."

Henry missed his dogs, but still to this day can't find them since they have moved on.
When you hear the thud,thud,thud, out by your doghouse maybe that is Henry looking for his dogs.


Letters from the Great Depression (made by me)

I took these photos at the WA State History Museum.

Eleventh November, Nineteen Hundred and Thirty Six
New York City, New York
To my Dear Brother Charley,

How are you doing over there? How are the crops? I have sent you some paper so that you can write to whoever you want. How bad is the Dust Bowl?

I hope none of the cotton blew away. Mama told me that the Smith's lost their farm. Father told them not to grow corn this year, but Robert wouldn't listen. That's too bad that he had to give up his farm.

Has Mary seen the new Shirley Temple movie? I heard that it was really good. I was surprised how many people go to see the Shirley Temple movies, I suppose those movies make them forget about the hard times we are going through.

My teaching job isn't going too well,my pay has decreased a lot,and my school has become progressive. But I think I will still keep the job, because I feel lucky to be a teacher, I don't think I may be a teacher at any other school.
.It's pretty bad in New York City right now, lots of people couldn't pay their rent so they are living in Hoovervilles. But at least I am earning money, many people are unemployed!
I hope to hear from y'all soon!

From your loving brother,



Dear Donald,

Its not very good over here eather,the cottan is blowing away,in fact the dirt is bloweing away to! The dust is in all of our lungs,its horrabile! so far its gotten John and Mary sick, but the other three aint sick yet. We are struggling by as far as food,and clean water. mom waz suprized that yuo were able too get a job as teacher since you are 16. beacase yuor only a year older thann me and i cant spell real good. our home is almost coverd up with tha duste. we misse yuo!

from Charley.
p.s. i wont be able to send or recive any letter for a while after this won. im real busy tryin too help


Twentieth May, Nineteen Hundred and Forty Two
New York City, New York

To my Dear Brother,

I haven't heard from y'all for a while,is the dog still missing? Have you been in town lately? How's Dalhart?
Now that I am twenty two I have decided to join the army, I'm excited! It seems like everyone is joining the army,at least everyone I know that is old enough to go is

The school district is going to combine my class with someone else's class since only about five kids are going to school now in each class because most kids don't have enough money to go to school. That is why I am not going to teach again until the schools are fixed. Anyway, I am earning too little to be able to pay my bills and eat. A whole bunch of smart kids that were doing quite well in school have to stop going to school because they have to work with their parents on farms and go to work at factories. It's horrible that so many kids have to go without education.

I still don't understand why father won't leave the Dust Bowl. Y'all could go to California and farm people's land for money probably. You need to leave there, you're in the worst part of the Dust Bowl! What President Roosevelt is doing is good. He is putting millions of people back into work. He is even putting artists back to work!

So wish me luck! As soon as I get back from the army I'll visit you!
